Thursday, September 11
We set out in the morning for Cape Coast—about a 3 hour drive from Accra--and arrived in time to have lunch at the Castle Restaurant, located right on the beach next to (guess what?) the castle. Shawn Dillard, who is in charge of ProWorld—Ghana met us for lunch.
Our plan is to establish a cocoa study center near Kakum National Park where students who are part of the ProWorld program, doing internships or classes, are assigned to certain projects. I had never met Shawn, had only corresponded with her, so this was our chance to meet.
After lunch, Bob and I visited the castle, one of 60 castles built by Europeans to house slaves before they were stowed (yes, that’s the word) aboard ships. To protect the castle from marauders (e.g. the Dutch taking the castle away from the Portuguese), they had to lay in a supply of cannon balls. Each of these is hollow so it can explode and rip up sails, thereby impairing a ship’s ability to maneuver.

The church sat directly over the male slave dungeons, so the Dutch and the British could pray to God while causing unspeakable suffering to hundreds of men directly below them. I wonder if God was present!

View of the fishing village from the threshold of the Door of No Return, where slaves embarked onto waiting ships.

This castle actually had a moat and a drawbridge.
When the Dutch got the castle from the Portuguese, they switched the church from Roman Catholic to Protestant. The governor had a special balcony from which he would inspect the female slaves and choose which one he wanted to sleep with that night. Any slaves that became pregnant were housed outside the castle until they gave birth, at which point they were sent off to the New World. Their children, mulattoes, were left behind and became street urchins in town.
If a female slave refused the governor’s advances, she was tied to 8 cannonballs and allowed to die of thirst and hunger directly in front of the other women.
Friday, September 12

I gave a one-hour presentation and told the chiefs that we could locate the cocoa study center in Ebekawopa, but because of the road, Ebekawopa is not practical. The chiefs all agreed the Frami which has electricity and which is located next to the road, is the most practical.
After the meeting, Shawn et al joined us for lunch at the restaurant of Kakum National Park. After lunch, they took a taxi back to Abura, where ProWorld is located.
Bob and I joined a group taking the canopy walk, which is 0.7 miles long and is over 100 feet above the forest floor.
Bob and I joined a group taking the canopy walk, which is 0.7 miles long and is over 100 feet above the forest floor.
We drove back south and stopped for drinks at the Hans Botel, a hotel built over a large pond filled with crocodiles. Most of West Africa’s crocodiles have been exterminated. They are now rarely found in the rivers.

I am reminded of the infamous poem: How doth the little crocodile improve his shining tail. And pour the waters of the Nile on ever'y golden scale. How cheerfully he seems to grin. How neatly spreads his claws. And welcomes little fishes in … with gently smiling jaws.

I am reminded of the infamous poem: How doth the little crocodile improve his shining tail. And pour the waters of the Nile on ever'y golden scale. How cheerfully he seems to grin. How neatly spreads his claws. And welcomes little fishes in … with gently smiling jaws.
Saturday, September 13.
We drove back to Accra and spent most of the day purchasing equipment—including a microwave, an electricity stabilizer, and a bunch of small tools such as bowls and wooden spoons. We visited four stores to find the best refrigerator.
In the late afternoon, we visited the new house that Alex is having made. It’s located near the Accra castle, which we visited but which I could not take a picture of. This is a view of the roof under construction. Alex is buying very fancy shingles from Switzerland and they are being fastened to this structure.
Sunday, September 14
Bob was to leave in the afternoon. We visited a few sights in downtown Accra in the morning. This is the Supreme Court.

Nkrumah spend the rest of his life as vice-president of Guinea. His wife, who was Egyptian, is buried in the same mausoleum. The Chinese built this.
We visited the Accra castle, which now doubles as a prison and an office building. During the Rawlings era (1980s), political opponents and others not worth putting through the judicial system were thrown into the ocean, cement blocks tied to their backs. I didn’t dare take a picture.
But I did dare take a picture of the President Mills mausoleum, located on a sizable piece of land. If they take up so much land to bury each president, at some point, there won’t be any left. Mills was weak and his associates took advantage of this to enrich themselves.
After we dropped Bob off at the airport, Alex and I drove down the GW Bush highway. GW borrowed $800 million from the Chinese to hand to the Ghanaian government which then hired the Chinese to build the highway. A far different development situation from the days when the money was ours as was the construction company (Bechtel corporation). Remember George Schultz and Caspar Weinberger in the Reagan years? They were former Bechtel executives.
While they loaded the car, I took picture of fufu being pounded. A mixture of cooked cassava and plantain, it’s pounded to bust the starch granules, producing a faintly sweet, gluey paste that you eat with your hands.

We drove to the Cape Coast area and checked into the Jangels Hotel. Not the best place I’ve ever stayed, but only $15 a night. No running water and the pillows reeked. But the price was right.
Monday, September 15
We purchased the refrigerator at the Lebanese store (for
1600 cedis or $470). Because it was kept
at a separate warehouse, we asked them to deliver it to the Central Hotel,
where I was staying. When it arrived, we
put it behind the hotel front desk.
Tuesday, September 16
The next morning, Alex picked me up about 9:20 with a new
car (he has 13 4X4’s). We were able to
lay the fridge on its side and there was still enough room for me to sit in the
front seat. We drove south to Tema,
which is Ghana’s number 1 port (number two being Takoradi) to Golden Tree Processing Company, one of
the stsate-run enterprises established by Kwame Nkrumah. It makes the wildly popular Golden Tree candy
bar, of which milk and dark are the biggest sellers. I’m quite fond of the milk chocolate bar.
To purchase 25 Kg of cocoa butter at Golden Tree requires
considerable patience. First, you have
to go to security to get your badge.
Then, you visit the receiving office to record your name. Following this, you go to Central Administration to have four
copies of an invoice drawn up. Then, you
enter a separate building, several hundred feet away, to visit General Accounting, where all four
copies are stamped. Next, one leaves
this office and stands out in the wind to pull out 1058 cedis, holding on to
them desperately so they don’t blow into Côte d’Ivoire. They then stamp the invoices again and direct
you to the warehouse which is far enough away, you have to drive.

It takes about 20 minutes to do the paperwork at the
warehouse, which involves still another handwritten form with lots of writing
by many people, including yourself as you have to record the precise time you
received the cocoa butter. Finally, this
“wad” is placed in your hands along with the case of cocoa butter, and you
drive back to the entrance. There, you
hand them the papers and your badges and they allow you to exit the premises.
Whether in the former Soviet Union or in modern day Ghana,
state-run enterprises have all shared this in common: huge inefficiency caused by inattention to
the bottom line. And yet, there’s no
doubt that a lot of Kingsbite bars are sold in Ghana!

We set out for Cape Coast, arriving around 2 PM. We had purchased doughnuts and chocolate from street venders, but shooting your blood sugar up and done does little to allay basic hunger. We stopped in Abura, which is at the junction of the Kumasi road with N-1 (road from Accra) and purchased sugar and milk powder. Since we had already parked, Alex bought Kenke and Grilled Fish and we then sauntered over to a grill and ordered chicken gizzards and grilled guinea hen.

We drove to the hotel and enjoyed our booty in the empty restaurant. It was all quite delicious, especially when washed down with my last bottle of Blue Sky, the best fruit juice in the world.

At 4 PM, we drove north to Frami. It started raining about half way there,
which is typical of rainforests, where there is some sort of feedback going on
between trees and clouds. Because it was
raining, we didn’t remove the refrigerator right away but entered our building,
where the electrician was busily constructing a homemade power strip hardwired
into the electrical filter.

The homemade power strip consisted of a wooden board which the electrician was busy wiring. One of the plugs matches the machine’s 16A plug. The electrician’s assistant held a cellphone whose flashlight had been turned on to add enough light to work by.

The homemade power strip consisted of a wooden board which the electrician was busy wiring. One of the plugs matches the machine’s 16A plug. The electrician’s assistant held a cellphone whose flashlight had been turned on to add enough light to work by.

While I was standing around, I took a picture of our neighbor cooking in the rain. We will be sharing her two stoves, which consist of mounded mud fired into crockery to hold large pots.
Wednesday, September 17
Today was devoted to making chocolate. Alex and I drove to Frami and we entered the
chocolate making room thinking some progress would have been made. Much to my disappointment, the carpenter
hadn’t delivered the furniture. The
electrician was busy wiring the overhead lights, one over the wrapping table
and the other in the production corner.
Despite the setback, I set out to make the first batch of
chocolate. Four young men were in the
room, each representing the four villages.
I started by weighing out the cocoa butter and then melting it in the

While the cocoa butter and sugar were being ground, we roasted 5 Kg of cocoa beans and poured them out onto sheetpans to cool (right).
About 25 people stood around, pinching the beans and removing the hulls.

We then pounded the decorticated beans into nibs and re-roasted them to make them easy to grind in the machine.
At that point, the power went off, and it stayed off. Not wanting to sit around, I asked whether we
could find a generator. Four young men
brought one and I paid them to purchase some gasoline.
They ran the generator for half an hour
before it literally blew up because the gasoline they bought was full of water.

Another couple of hours went by before a better generator was located. This time, they let the gasoline settle and poured off the top, leaving the water in the jug.
They ran about 100 feet of wire—way more than needed. Generators are rented for funerals; it’s a prosperous business.

Shortly before we were to leave, the carpenter delivered the
wood and, true to form, the village children enthusiastically carried the
planks into the house. [51]
We left the village a little after 6 PM, trusting that the
generator would run all night so tomorrow morning, the chocolate would be very
smooth. The one worry: should they turn off the generator once the
power came back on and then the power cuts, the chocolate sets, I don’t know
what would happen to the 2 HP motor!
Learn by doing.
Thursday, September
We started the day at 10 AM.
My first concern was a water supply for the chocolate factory. Much to my chagrin, the nearest well is ¼
mile away—down the road, then through the schoolyard and down a hill. We passed this woman spreading out her cocoa
beans to dry.

The well was locked.
The chief explained that the well is shared by several communities and
is unlocked only in the morning in order to control well use. Apparently, the Ghana Water Board tests the
water regularly and treats it with chlorine to make sure it is safe. In order to pay the water board, the
communities pool their funds to pay for the service.
Because we were with the chief, we were able to draw water without unlocking the pump and without incurring a fine.
Because we were with the chief, we were able to draw water without unlocking the pump and without incurring a fine.

This is our washing station. As the business makes money, it will spend its profits on tiling, running hot and cold water. But for now, this will have to do.

While we filled and unmolded molds, our crew outside was busy roasting and hulling 5.5 Kg of beans, which yield 4 Kg of roasted nibs (pieces of beans).

By 5:30 PM, we had started up still another batch of chocolate. We paid our child labor (which de-hulled 5,500 beans) with pieces of chocolate.
During the afternoon, I did a financial analysis of the operation…
Disks weighing 7 g each
Bars weighing 35 g each
The disks will be sold for
50 pesetas was and the
sales person keeps 20
pesewas per disk.
The bars (35 g) will be sold for 350 pesetas and
the sales person keeps 150 pesewas per bar.
1700 disks: 1700 X 30
pesewas = 510 cedis
340 bars: 340 X 200
pesewas = 680 cedis
Cocoa butter: 42.32
cedis per Kg
Cocoa powder: 3.2
cedis per Kg (205 cedis for 64 Kg bag)
Sugar: 5 cedis per Kg
Milk: 30 cedis per Kg
2 Kg cocoa
butter … 84.64 cedis
4 Kg cocoa
powder … 5.5 X 3.3 = 17.6 cedis
4 Kg sugar
… 5 X 4 = 20 cedis
2 Kg milk …
2 X 30 = 60 cedis
Total formula cost:
Total energy cost: 30
cedis per 24 hours
Total labor cost: 4
people X 8 cedis per day = 32 cedis
Total profit:
680-182-30-32 = 536 cedis
This shows the phenomenal profit potential in this
business! In the U.S., profits of 15-30% are considered to be quite acceptable. Look at these profits… Well over 50%!
Friday, September 19
Today was a repeat of Thursday.
Saturday, September 20
We started at 11 AM today. The crew began a half batch all by themselves while I sat on a bunch under a micro grove of plantains, writing. While sitting there, munching on cocoa bread, chocolate, and water, I took this picture of Alex (right) and Frami's Chief of the Young people, Nana (chief) Otafregja, which means “He who can quench fire with his tongue.”

During the afternoon, I took this picture of the sales staff that will be taking the products to market.
We had a two hour meeting with the chiefs during which I gave a presentation about the phenomenal profit-making potential of this business, assuming that everyone works together and that the sales staff do a good job. I explained that a single woman (men don't do sales) selling 30 disks (20 pesetas profit each) can make the Ghanaian minimum income of 6 cedes per day. So that should be a pretty good incentive!

To end the day, I took this picture of the production staff, which include from the left: Reverend Sampson (whom I've known for 10 years), Nana Otafregia, Na (in red), and Ramsford (second from right--main production person).
Well, that ends the trip. I have accomplished all that I set out to do. All that remains is the voyage home, which begins tomorrow, Sunday.
Today was a repeat of Thursday.
Saturday, September 20
We started at 11 AM today. The crew began a half batch all by themselves while I sat on a bunch under a micro grove of plantains, writing. While sitting there, munching on cocoa bread, chocolate, and water, I took this picture of Alex (right) and Frami's Chief of the Young people, Nana (chief) Otafregja, which means “He who can quench fire with his tongue.”

During the afternoon, I took this picture of the sales staff that will be taking the products to market.

To end the day, I took this picture of the production staff, which include from the left: Reverend Sampson (whom I've known for 10 years), Nana Otafregia, Na (in red), and Ramsford (second from right--main production person).
Well, that ends the trip. I have accomplished all that I set out to do. All that remains is the voyage home, which begins tomorrow, Sunday.